знакомо по мексиканским водителям линий междугородних автобусов.
им запрещено говорить, но весь антураж и настроение присутствует полностью.
то же самое, но с разговорами можно прочувствовать с мексиканскими таксистами.
есть там определенная прослойка таксистов высшего разряда, которые прямо по описанию Твена ))
и потом, удивительно чувствовать ту самую ностальгию жителя большого города, в данном случае
исходя из опыта жителя такого крупного города как Нью Йорк. я очень часто испытывая подобное.
немного в другой плоскости. хочется замедлить время. замедлить ход событий.
The London 'bus driver does not seem like a city person, but like a blessed angel out of the country.
He is often nattily dressed and nicely shaved, and often just the other way; but in either case the man
is a choice man, and satisfactory. He hasn't hard city face, nor crusty and repellent city ways, nor indeed
anything about hem which can be called "citified" - that epithet which suggests the absence of all spirituality,
and the presence of all kinds of paltry materialisms, and men ideals, and mean vanities, and silly cynicisms.
He is a pleasant and courteous and companionable person, he is kindly and conversational, he has a placid
and dignified bearing which becomes him well, and he rides serene above the crush and turmoil of London
as undisturbed by it and as unconcerned about is as if he were not aware that anything of the kind was
going on. The choice part of the 'bus is its roof; and the choicest places on the roof are the two seats
back of the driver's elbows. The occupants of those seats talk to him all the time. That shows that he is
a polite man, and interesting. And it shows that in his heart he is a villager, and has the simplicities and
sincerities and spirit of comradeship which belong to a man whose city contacts have been of an undamaging